Islamic Studies important Mcqs for FIA jobs Test 2021

 Islamic Studies important Mcqs for FIA jobs Test 2021


Islamic Studies Quiz

  1. How many Allah (s.w.t.)'s are there ?
    1.   one
    2.   Two
    3.   No
    4.   Four
  2. Allah (s.w.t.) has ......…
    1.   A son
    2.   A partner
    3.   No partner
    4.   Four
  3. What does Islam mean ?
    1.   Islam means to obey Allah (s.w.t.) and follow His commands
    2.   Islam means to obey our parents
    3.   Islam means to obey our teachers and elders
    4.   None of the above
  4. A prophet is called .......... in Arabic.
    1.   Nabi
    2.   Rasul
    3.   Wali
    4.   Arkanal Islam
  5. Pillars of Islam are also called ...…
    1.   Qadr ul Islam
    2.   Yusuf Islam
    3.   Fi Amanillah
    4.   Arkanal Islam
  6. What do we call the Angels who write down what we do ?
    1.   Israfil
    2.   Kiraman Katibin
    3.   Adam (a.s.)
    4.   All of the above
  7. Who made the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the hills, the rivers, the flowers etc.?
    1.   Muhammad (s.a.w.)
    2.   Allah (s.w.t.)
    3.   Adam (a.s.)
    4.   All of the above
  8. What do you say when you sneeze ?
    1.   Yarhamukallah
    2.   Ya Allah
    3.   Adam (a.s.)
    4.   Rabi-ul-Awal
  9. What is the first month of the Islamic Calendar?
    1.   Muharram
    2.   Ramadan
    3.   Shawwal
    4.   Rabi-ul-Awal
  10. What is Salat?
    1.   Fasting
    2.   Giving to the poor
    3.   Praying
    4.   Hebrew
  11. What is the language of the Quran?
    1.   English
    2.   Arabic
    3.   Urdu
    4.   Hebrew
  12. Who was the first prophet of Allah (s.w.t.)?
    1.   Nuh (a.s.)
    2.   Hud (a.s.
    3.   Adam (a.s.)
    4.   Iman
  13. Believing in Allah (s.w.t.) , in His angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the last day, in destiny and in life after death means a Muslim has …
    1.   Ihsan
    2.   Taqwa
    3.   Islam
    4.   Iman
  14. "Fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wastaghfirhu" means .…
    1.   When the victory granted by Allah and the conquest come
    2.   And you see people embracing the religion of Allah in large quantities
    3.   Then celebrate the praises of your Lord, and seek His forgivenness
    4.   Al-'Asr
  15. "You alone we worship and you alone do we ask for help" is a phrase from which Surah ?
    1.   Al-Ikhlas
    2.   Al-Fatihah
    3.   Al-Kawthar
    4.   Al-'Asr
  16. What is the meaning of An-Nas ?
    1.   The dawn
    2.   The opening
    3.   The people
    4.   The night
  17. What is the meaning of Al-Falaq ?
    1.   The dawn
    2.   The people
    3.   The opening
    4.   The victory
  18. What is the meaning of Al-Fil ?
    1.   Elephant
    2.   Spider
    3.   Lion
    4.   Al-'Asr
  19. Which one is the opening Surah of the Quran ?
    1.   Al-Kawthar
    2.   Al-Fatihah
    3.   Al-Ikhlas
    4.   Al-'Asr
  20. What is the meaning of "Astaghfirullah" ?
    1.   I ask Allah for Forgiveness
    2.   We are for Allah
    3.   Accept our prayer
    4.   None of the above
  21. What is the first duty of a Muslim ?
    1.   Salat
    2.   Saum
    3.   Hajj
    4.   Shahadah
  22. What is one unit of prayer called ?
    1.   Fard
    2.   Rakah
    3.   Juz'
    4.   All of the above
  23. What do we have to pay Zakat on ?
    1.   Money only
    2.   Jewelry
    3.   Cattle
    4.   All of the above
  24. Al-Rahman means ..…
    1.   The Most Knowledgable
    2.   The Most Powerful
    3.   The Most Merciful
    4.   All of the above
  25. Iman means ..…
    1.   Believing in Allah (s.w.t.)
    2.   Believing in Allah (s.w.t.)'s books
    3.   Believing in Allah (s.w.t.)'s messengers
    4.   All of the above
  26. What do we call the optional prayers ?
    1.   Fard
    2.   Sunnah
    3.   Nafl
    4.   None of the above
  27. Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha are all ...... salat.
    1.   Sunnah
    2.   Nafil
    3.   Farz
    4.   None of the above
  28. When is Witr salat offered ?
    1.   After Fajr
    2.   After Isha
    3.   After Maghrib
    4.   After Zuhr
  29. The house of Allah (s.w.t.) in Makkah is called ..…
    1.   Church
    2.   Masjid Al-Aqsa
    3.   Kaaba
    4.   Masjid An-Nabawi
  30. People who disobey Allah (s.w.t.) will be terribly punished by sending them to ..…
    1.   Prison
    2.   Paradise
    3.   Hell
    4.   Court
  31. What is the meaning of Shahadah?
    1.   Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His partner.
    2.   Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His son.
    3.   Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His Messenger.
    4.   There is no Allah.
  32. Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha are all ......Prayers.
    1.   Nafil
    2.   Sunnah
    3.   Farz
    4.   None of the above
  33. In the month of Ramadan, there is a night which is better than a 1,000 months. It is ...…
    1.   Qiyam-ul-Lail
    2.   Lailatul-Qadr
    3.   Eid-ul-Fitr
    4.   None of the above
  34. Fasting is .…
    1.   Not eating during the daytime
    2.   Not drinking during the daytime
    3.   Not smoking during the daytime
    4.   All of the above
  35. Allah (s.w.t.) says in the Quran "Surely ..... keeps you away from the indecent and the forbidden''. What is it ?
    1.   Salat
    2.   Fasting
    3.   Telling the truth
    4.   Saying Ameen
  36. When is Fajr salat performed ?
    1.   Night until dawn
    2.   After sunset
    3.   Late afternoon
    4.   Dawn until sunrise
  37. When a man asked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) which bad habit should he leave first, the Prophet (s.a.w.) asked him to ..…
    1.   Give up stealing
    2.   Give up drinking wine
    3.   Give up telling lies
    4.   Give up back-biting
  38. Fajr Prayer is offered at dawn, and Magrib Prayer at sunset. Both of these times are the beginning of what cycle of nature?
    1.   Afternoon, night
    2.   Night, evening
    3.   Midnight, morning
    4.   Day, night
  39. The message of Allah (s.w.t.) sent through His prophets or messengers was ....…
    1.   There is no god but Allah (s.w.t.)
    2.   There is a son of Allah (s.w.t.)
    3.   There is no life after death
    4.   There is no day of judgment
  40. "Maliki yawmiddin" means ..…
    1.   The most Merciful, the most Kind
    2.   All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds
    3.   Master of the day of Judgement
    4.   And there is none like Him
  41. "Wa min sharri ghasiqin idha waqab" means .…
    1.   From the evil of those who seek to promote discord
    2.   From the evil of what He has created
    3.   I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak
    4.   From the evil of the darkness when it is intense
  42. "Bismilahir rahmanir rahim" means .…
    1.   I seek refuge in Allah from Satan
    2.   In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
    3.   All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds
    4.   There is none like Him
  43. "Fasalli lirabbika wanhar" means .…
    1.   Allah is Eternal and Absolute
    2.   So pray to your Lord and make sacrifice
    3.   That man is surely in loss
    4.   Guide us along the straight way
  44. Kaaba is also called ...…
    1.   Baitullah
    2.   Ibadallah
    3.   Saifullah
    4.   Inshallah
  45. "Say He is Allah, the One. Allah is Eternal and Absolute. None is born of Him nor is He born and there is none like Him".... is the meaning of Surah …
    1.   Al-Ikhlas
    2.   Al-Fatihah
    3.   Al-Kawthar
    4.   Al-'Asr
  46. When is Witr Prayer offered ?
    1.   After Sunrise (Fajr)

    2.   After Evening (Isha)
    3.   After Sunset (Maghrib)
    4.   After Noon (Zuhr)
  47. What is the purpose of Salat ?
    1.   To remember Allah (s.w.t.)
    2.   To remember Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
    3.   To remember Shaytan
    4.   To remember school
  48. Which of the following was not a Prophet of Allah (s.w.t.) ?
    1.   Idris
    2.   Zakariya
    3.   Abu Bakr
    4.   Ilias
  49. The house of Allah (s.w.t.) in Makkah is called ..…
    1.   Church
    2.   Kaaba
    3.   Masjid Al-Aqsa
    4.   Masjid An-Nabawi
  50. What do we call the meal taken before dawn in Ramadan ?
    1.   Iftar
    2.   Suhur
    3.   Tarawih
    4.   Fitr